Thursday, November 10, 2011

What A Mess...and my week so far....

It's been a busy week. Monday and Tuesday found me working at the farm.
Wednesday morning, I drove my mom to a 7:30 am outpatient procedure at the hospital.
Then, I came home to clean. Yes, clean. My house was looking horrid. Especially since Big Daddy brought a bunch of boxes in the house so he could start the holiday decorating.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is the actual "cleaned up" photo of my desk area. It still looks a mess, doesn't it? But it's way better than it was. The only unfortunate thing is that this is where I keep all of my crafting stuff. And 99% of the time, it's a mess. It's seldom sorted and organized and lovely looking.

This photo doesn't do my cleaning any justice either. It was so cluttered with shoes, jackets, sports bags, etc. that I was ashamed to open the front door. But, it does look a lot better now.
Today, it's Thursday. I had planned more cleaning but it didn't work out that way. Big Daddy was off taking Small T to school when the phone rang. It was the school. Could I sub today. Wow! I was just sitting down to my first cup of coffee and hadn't had a shower yet, but I told them I would but I would be needing 30 minutes before I could get there., I was the gym teacher again.
Then, after school, I ran Small T home to get her suitcase, winter coat and boots. She, another girl, and their adviser are off to Minneapolis, Minnesota for a Leadership Conference. Small T has never been on an airplane before, so I really hope things go smoothly. She will be returning Sunday evening and there's a big snow storm coming in. Hopefully, my prayers will be heard and they will arrive home safe and sound.
Tomorrow, I'm subbing at the school again. This time for the teacher that is on the trip with Small T. It's in FACS class or our old Home Ec classes.
So...that's my week so far. How's everyone else doing?

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