Monday, January 27, 2014

Crochet Mood Blanket

After much thought, I decided to rework the Crochet Mood Blanket that I'm working on.  My previous squares were just too big.  I decided to make 1 round granny squares (they are very tiny) and hook them together as I went.  I really like these. blanket is planned out for 360 squares which is 18 squares by 20 squares.....and 18 squares hooked together is about 26 inches.  That's not very big.  After a lot more thought, I've come to this conclusion....I'll probably turn this into a big floor cushion instead of a blanket.  If I do a blanket, it would be a baby sized one if I didn't work a LOT of border around it.  I think the big floor cushion will be the best bet.  My family loves the oversized light green pillow that I made and they are constantly fighting over who gets to use it.  This would give them one more big cushion to fight over.  lol
Anyway, the above photo shows the current stage of the "new" Crochet Mood Blanket.  I'm caught up until I get to today's mood.