what's in your fridge? Do you ever wonder what other people have in theirs? Hmmm... Makes you think, doesn't it? (Obviously, the 250 rolls are getting to me....warping my brain....but at least I have the first of the three last pans in the oven finally.) Anyway, back to the fridge. I never knew that one person could own so many salad dressings! Wow! I've got bunches of them! At least there's some healthy stuff in there....lots of bottled water....a couple of drawers of veggies......and some milk (2 separate gallons of it because I have 3 teens). Then, there's the leftovers in gallon bags (yep...we eat leftovers)....the birthday cupcake cake that's only half eaten......and dare I say it....the shelf of beer....yes.....beer. For emergencies. I will admit that I bought a 9 pack about 2 weeks ago and all 9 beers are still there. Taking up space. lol I won't show you the little hard liquor shelf on the cabinet beside the fridge. It's for emergencies too. And then there's the soda on the top shelf. We drink soda. I admit it. But if you look closely, we have way more water in the fridge than soda. Amazing, isn't it? What one family deems necessary to keep in the refrigerator. So here's a dare for all of you ladies out there.....I dare you to show me what's in your fridge!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Puppy Love
This is what happens every morning in our house. The doggies just have to make the rounds and get their cuddles in. It's especially wonderful on the weekend because the kids aren't rushing out the door to get to school. There is time for some extended cuddles. Pepper is really soaking it up...having some alone time on Small T's lap. Granted, Cocoa wasn't thrilled. She belongs to HIM. lol But, we made him wait his turn and get cuddled by Big C.
Scrap Yarn
I dug out all of my scraps or leftover Simply Soft yarn last night. I wanted to see how much I had of it. I'm trying to use of the smaller amounts of it for pin cushions. And then use the larger amounts of it for something else. But you know how it goes. You think these two colors would look great together and of course, they aren't both "smaller" amounts of yarn. So...you use them both anyway. :) In any event, I was really surprised to have this much in the way of leftover or scrap Simply Soft yarn. I try to use it all up when I make something. Sometimes....it's good to be surprised! I have plans for all of this, that's for sure!
Rolls, Rolls and More Rolls
Aren't these lovely photos? LOL I meant to take photos of the rolls last night when I was working on the first 140 of them. But, I forgot. Anyway... this is a quick story that will probably turn into a long story. A friend of mine called me yesterday afternoon. She was supposed to bring 250 dinner rolls to Prom tonight. But, her mom (in Louisiana) took gravely ill and she needed to catch a flight out. Could I please make the 250 rolls for her. I said yes. What else could I do? Honestly. I've been in her situation (sort of) before. So...the first two photos showing the foil wrapped rolls were finished up last night. I knew I wouldn't be able to get them all done this morning. The last three trays that I have proofing right now should be finished by 1:30 this afternoon. I need to have them at school at 4. Not bad! I will have them done in plenty of time! Granted, I had major doubts last night. So I called in re-inforcements. My sister Marie. The restaurant cook. She had some great advice for me plus 4 industrial sized baking sheets. Whew! I could get 35 rolls per sheet. If I was using my little cookie sheets, I'd have been baking them for a lot longer period of time. Thanks Marie for all your help! I knew you'd come in handy!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Pin Cushions
I've not had much time for crocheting today, but I managed to work up a couple of pin cushions a little bit ago. I am trying out a 3 color variation as you can tell from the one on the right. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm going to try out a few more before I make a commitment to them. I'm using scraps of Caron's Simply Soft yarn and a G hook. I'm using the Sweet Flower Pin Cushion pattern listed in a previous post.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My Kids...
You know, I got to thinking a bit ago, while I was typing my last post. I was wondering....do you know my kids nicknames that I have for them. I use them intermittenly in my posts and I am probably confusing everyone. So let me take a moment to clarify.
Josh is my oldest son. We call him Medium J most of the time. Everyone in town knows him as Epp. When he was younger they called him JoshE (Joshie). He is 5 foot 10 3/4 inches tall until he puts his boots on.
Chance is my youngest son. We call him Big C almost 100% of the time. However, he is also known by the names Chancetopher, Chanceamillion, and Chauncey. He is also called Big Guy by some of the kids at school. Particularly at the ball games. He is over 6 feet tall and still growing.
Tianna is my daughter and also the youngest child. She is called Small T, Bird, Birdie, TT, Sissy and Shortcake. I mostly call her Bird or Birdie. But, I have been known to call her Small T as well. I guess it depends on how much I'm thinking about it when I'm talking about her. She is 4 foot 10 inches tall and hasn't grown in a year. She's bummed out about this most days.
The nicknames Medium J, Big C, and Small T refer to their height. Can you tell?
So there is a quick introduction to my three kids and their various nicknames. Hope you enjoyed it!
Josh is my oldest son. We call him Medium J most of the time. Everyone in town knows him as Epp. When he was younger they called him JoshE (Joshie). He is 5 foot 10 3/4 inches tall until he puts his boots on.
Chance is my youngest son. We call him Big C almost 100% of the time. However, he is also known by the names Chancetopher, Chanceamillion, and Chauncey. He is also called Big Guy by some of the kids at school. Particularly at the ball games. He is over 6 feet tall and still growing.
Tianna is my daughter and also the youngest child. She is called Small T, Bird, Birdie, TT, Sissy and Shortcake. I mostly call her Bird or Birdie. But, I have been known to call her Small T as well. I guess it depends on how much I'm thinking about it when I'm talking about her. She is 4 foot 10 inches tall and hasn't grown in a year. She's bummed out about this most days.
The nicknames Medium J, Big C, and Small T refer to their height. Can you tell?
So there is a quick introduction to my three kids and their various nicknames. Hope you enjoyed it!
Growing Up...
Yesterday, Small T went on a field trip to Kansas City. They attended a dinner theater and afterwards got to spend time with the actors. Then they did a bit of shopping. She hit a vintage store and found this dress. She spent her entire wad of money on it. She loves it that much! Now, this dress is strapless. So disregard the purple bra poking out underneath. She just had to model it for her dad and I and didn't want to take the time to put on the proper undergarments. I was a bit bummed about all of this as you see....my Small T....is growing up. This is my last photo of her as a 13 year old. Today, she turns 14. At 9:30 am.
Crayon Purse
This is the first one of these that I've made lately. It's not completely finished as I need to add a button and I think I might embellish it a bit with a crochet flower or something like that. I'm using this pattern http://suzies-yarnie-stuff.blogspot.com/2006/07/crayon-purse-pattern.html as the basis, and I've tweaked it to get the final effect that I was wanting. That was basically changing the handle up a bit. This purse was made with Red Heart yarn. I think it's called Light Coral, but I don't have the yarn wrapper anymore. I used an I hook. I finished up crocheting the bag yesterday after I found a box of crayons. My kids are older and don't color anymore, so I had to go out and buy a box. :) This thrilled my husband. I didn't know he liked to color.
Sweet Flower Pin Cushions
We've been so busy with all of the school activities at night lately, that my crocheting has suffered a bit. However, I did manage to crank out a few of these. I had all of the center circles done but yesterday, I sat down for a bit while talking to my mom on the phone and put the edging on these and got them stuffed with fiberfill. They turned out pretty cute! Here's the pattern I used http://www.creativejewishmom.com/crochet-crafts/page/3/ . I used bits and pieces of Simply Soft yarn that I had left over and an I hook.
Straight Hair
Tuesday night was the sports banquet at school. I'm an officer in the athletic booster club and we put the banquet on for the athletes. My daughter didn't like my hair, so she broke out her straightening iron. Now, I never straighten my hair, so this was something new for me. Here's the finished product. The one thing I want to add is....I did look younger when she was done. And I had lots and lots of comments on my hair when I got to the banquet. So she did a good thing!!!
Cheer Tryouts

I wanted to share a quick photo of a few of the girls at Cheerleading Tryouts on Tuesday. My girl is on the far left. With the pony tail. She made the squad. She's been cheerleading for the school three years now. When she was younger, she was a competitive cheerleader and traveled several states competing.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Multi Colored Scarf
I had a few bits and pieces left of four skeins of Simply Soft. So...I used them to make another potato chip scarf to accompany the watermelon hat. (The watermelon hat...color not style....was a previous unfinished project, but I found another skein of yarn in my stash so I could complete it.) I used these colors of Simply Soft....grape, watermelon, blue mint and limelight. I finished both of these items up today.
Lt. Blue Scarf
I would really like to be able to say that this scarf is finished....but it's not. I ran out of yarn with just a few inches left on the last row. Dang it! But, I'm posting a current photo of it anyway. It's another potato chip scarf. (I'm trying to make a scarf for each of the hats I did.) I used Lt. Blue Red Heart yarn and an I hook.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sleeping Bag Bud
My daughter hollered for me to come in her room this morning. So I did what all other mothers would do....and I went in there. This is what I found! LOL She got this cute pink hippo stuffed animal type thing for Easter this morning. (she picked it out) Come to find out....it had a sleeping bag rolled up inside it. The kind that little kids would sleep in. And she was so thrilled that she fit in it. All four feet 10 inches of loveable teenaged girl!!! She said she was HAPPY to be short now. LOL Imagine that! I've heard nothing but complaining about her height for months now. :) I'll have to remember this conversation and bring it up during pertinent moments in the future!
Guess What......
See the bag of M&M's at the top of the photo? They have peanut butter in them. And they are just like the Cadbury Mini Eggs with the hard coating on the outside of the chocolate. Wow! What a find! I love those Cadbury Mini Eggs. But, I like peanut butter too. And to find something with a mixture of both....that's excitement. LOL Plus I bought them this morning at the grocery store when it was buy a bag of candy and get a bag free. Woo Hoo!!! What a deal! I can't wait to try these new candies out.....and I'll try to let you know what they're like!
Easter Baskets
Well, I hate to say it, but my kids are all getting older and we don't always do Easter baskets anymore. But this year, my husband insisted. He really misses the tradition. So....he took over the whole project and here are photos of the lucky recipients this morning. Aren't they cute? I think the 21 year old smiled the biggest. LOL
Baseball Game/Kauffman Stadium
On Saturday, April 23rd, we spent the day in Kansas City, Missouri. My son, #55, played in the Frank White Classic at Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals. We are so proud of him and his entire baseball team....the Brunswick Wildcats. Even though they lost, 4 to 1, they played a great game against the Santa Fe Chiefs. I've included a photo of the stadium big screen plus a photo of my son batting and playing at first base. This is a rare opportunity for a school to be invited to play here and we are very, very proud of all the boys. This is the memory of a lifetime.
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